The Making of a Deployment

You’ve already met the Operations Team. This is Chazak Rescue’s team of dedicated individuals who are monitoring world events around the clock. This team is responsible for making decisions on deployment based on, first of all, God’s direction to the need, the need, the risk, and the capabilities. Also, along with the Guardians, the Ops Team is responsible for developing international connections in as many places as possible, so that when a need arises in that country, Chazak has an open invitation to deploy.
Today, we walk you through the steps to create a deployment. Whether responding to a natural disaster, a war zone, or any other type of humanitarian crisis. The needs are seemingly never-ending. At least 12,000 people lost their lives due to floods, wildfires, cyclones, storms, and landslides globally in 2023. That’s 30% more deaths than in 2022. There has also been a 27% increase in political violence from 2021–2022. 108 million people (more than 1 in every 74 people on earth) were forcibly displaced in 2022. Clearly, there is no lack of needs. So, with that in mind, here is Chazak Rescue’s process for responding to these needs.
There are several factors that form the decision on whether Chazak Rescue’s Guardians will deploy to a situation. The biggest factor, is, of course, whether the Operations Team senses God’s leading to that situation. The Ops Team and Guardians are constantly in prayer about different situations that they see arise in world news. Every deployment has potential to be very dangerous, and alignment with God’s will is of the utmost importance. Additionally, the Chazak Guardians target hard-to-reach areas, specializing in places not necessarily in the main-stream news. High-profile disasters generate attention by major news outlets world-wide. As a result, aid organizations flock to these areas. Meanwhile, there are many wars and natural disasters that go unnoticed by the general population. And that is where Chazak Rescue steps in.
So, it happens. A tragic event occurs.
Phase 1: Entry
This phase begins with the Operations Team receiving the mission, and ends once the first member of Chazak Rescue is on the ground. It begins by the operations team sending a Red Light notice to all available Guardians. The Red Light notice includes information regarding location, potential time of deployment, and the need that has arisen. Immediately, the Guardians are preparing their gear -and themselves- for deployment. Readying their pack is just a small part of preparation. During the Red Light period, the Guardians will research the destination. They will gather data detailing the need, reports from the weather forecast, relevant governmental information (friendly or hostile environment), and identify potential roadblocks. All of this information will be compiled into one briefing that will be delivered to the operations team, after the Guardians receive the Green Light notice. This notice is given after the Guardians and the Operations Team have collaboratively made contact with the host nation, as well as finalized travel plans.
During deployment, the Guardians are under constant, 24-hour monitoring from the Operations Team to ensure their safety. If any problem should arise, there is open communication back to Command Center. The Ops Team makes absolutely certain to have the backs of the Guardians, and support them in whatever way is necessary. Prayer is also a huge part of every deployment. It is vital that they are open to receiving the direction of God; it may be matter of life and death.

Phase 2 — Logistical Set-up and Assessment:
As soon as Chazak Rescue has made entrance into the country, phase 2 begins. In this phase, the deployed personnel assess the situation on-the-ground, to ensure that the correct resources will be available. This includes:
- assessing the security situation
-determining the need for additional assets
-building rapport with both partner organizations and the locals
-securing transportation and sustenance
-assessing current medical infrastructure
Phase 3 — Rescue:
The third phase begins when the Guardians proceed with rescue operations. The team will establish a local operations center and triage location, and a sustainable rescue operation ensues. This phase can be running simultaneously with phase 2.
Phase 4 — Humanitarian Assistance:
After the rescue phase, the team begins to provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the event, whether that is continued medical assistance, or food delivery. In addition, the team will identify the handover organization or personnel, as well as identifying data they have gathered on the deployment, to assist in the handover phase.

Phase 5 — Handover:
Once activity has stabilized, and resources are available to do so, the handover phase begins. This phase ends when all team members who are not still acting as liaisons return. During this phase, the team hands over operations to organizations designed for longer term aid. The Guardians assist the handover organization to establish themselves and take over the mission in a sustainable manner. Once the handover organization is well-established, the Guardians return home.
Upon arrival, they are met with a big welcome home from their families and loved ones. Since Chazak Rescue is targeting war zones and hard-to-reach areas, it is very likely that the Guardians will experience trauma while serving on the field. So, after each deployment, they will undergo an HR briefing, conduct after-action-review, and revisit protocols. The Guardians will also take time for rest, decompression, and rejuvenation so that they are reset for the next mission, and enabled to continue in character as whole and healthy people.