Chad: Despair in Chad camps as violence and hunger in Sudan drive 25,000 across border in a week


Class 4 Introduced!

Chazak Rescue


September 13, 2024

Class 4 Team Photo

Class 4 has officially been onboarded as Cadets and have come through segment 1.1's orientation! This team is made up of 7 male Cadets representing Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Canada!

Let’s meet the team.

Cadet Patrick

Patrick Schlabach

I joined Chazak Rescue because at the base of it, I wanted to do things, but I didn’t want to just travel. I didn’t want to go and merely see all the touristy things. I craved that raw human connection and the experience of seeing other people’s worldviews that are different from mine. I also wanted to hone my skills and hone the talents that God has given me…And so I joined because it fits so well with what I wanted to do and what I feel like God’s plan is for these years of my life. 

Cadet Brian

Brian Stoltzfus
(might; power)

I’ve always had the desire to serve somewhere bigger than myself. I always had a little bit of an interest in the military but realized that in the end, that would be serving the government and whatever cause they had and it really wasn’t doing that much for the bigger picture. I realized Chazak just seemed to be a really good fit. It’s the perfect place because it is a place where you can push yourself mentally and physically and you could do that for the greater cause of serving people, spreading hope, and rescuing people. And those are always things that meant a lot to me.

Cadet Justin

Justin Smoker

I always felt that I had a calling to serve overseas in my life. And so, I’ve always hung on to that, but tried to keep working through life and then something about crisis response piqued my interest. I’ve had a position of leadership in business for most of those years. So I’m excited to see how that skillset translates into this completely new world and build up from there.

Cadet Jamison

Jamison Petersheim
greatness; leadership)

I have always thought that there was something that God wants me to do not at home. Something overseas, even. Chazak looked like it really has the stuff I enjoy, such as schoolwork and physical activity and it appeared to check a lot of boxes, and that’s part of the reason I’m here. Another reason would be that I feel God is calling me to it. I want to be there for that one child that I might help; that one person that might be in a terrible situation and because I listen to God, I might be there to help them.

Cadet Derek

Derek Brechbill
(gifted ruler)

I think what I’m looking forward to most with Chazak is just being there for the one person in their darkest hour — being the presence of Christ; the presence of perfect love, that’s what I think is going to get me out of bed during the next few years.

Cadet Sebastian

Sebastian Weaver

I have always had a heart to rescue people in some way or another. I had considered the military quite a bit before and then decided against it because I wanted to do something that was more aligned with reaching people with hope as well as the actual physical side to rescuing people.

Cadet Carter

Carter Wiebe

A friend of my sister’s joined Chazak Rescue and so I was able to hear stories about what it was like. In hearing about Chazak it sounded like a path where I could learn the skills to bring hope to crisis. I’ve always felt God’s call on my life to rescue people. Chazak seemed like a great organization — really spirit led, and I’m thankful for everyone helping me get to this point where I feel like this is where God’s calling me to.

You can partner with Class 4 financially by visiting our donations page (linked here) and selecting ‘Class 4 Sponsorship’ when making a donation. 

We are excited to see what is in store for this team in the coming years! Thank you for your continued prayer, and financial support of Chazak Rescue!

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