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Sao Paulo: São Paulo MENU The MENU São Paulo State of SP records 51 deaths from dengue; capital of São Paulo confirms third death

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Sao Paulo:  São Paulo MENU The MENU São Paulo State of SP records 51 deaths from dengue; capital of São Paulo confirms third death
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The state of São Paulo already registers 51 deaths , according to data released by the disease control panel of the State Department of Health (SES) on Saturday (9). The data also indicate that the number of confirmed cases of the disease is 177,384. Another 151 deaths are still investigated. On Tuesday (5), the government of São Paulo declared a state of emergency for dengue in São Paulo. The decision was made by the Emergency Operations Center (COE), a group coordinated by the secretariat, after the state passed the mark of 300 confirmed cases of the disease per 100,000 inhabitants. In the capital, there are three registered deaths and 41,013 confirmed cases. According to the City of São Paulo, most infections are concentrated in 15 neighborhoods: Vila Jaguará, Parque São Domingos, Itaquera, Jaçanã, São Miguel Paulista, Vila Leopoldina, Anhanguera, Tremembé, Campo Limpo, Vila Maria, Guaianases, Lapa, Água Rasa, Lajeado and Vila Medeiros. The last case is a woman, 49 years old, a resident of the administrative district Capão Redondo / Campo Limpo. The onset of symptoms was on March 3 and care took place in a private hospital. The death was on Thursday (7); On January 25, the Ministry of Health released the list of about 500 Brazilian municipalities that should receive doses of the immunizer at first for vaccination of the target audience, in the range between 10 and 14 years.


Original Source in Portuguese, Translation provided by Google Translate.

Original Source in Portuguese, Translation provided by Google Translate.